TLST 2015 - Los Angeles, CA

These are some of the speakers we were fortunate to have present over the 3 days for our conference in 2015.

Jeff Blom

Chief Operating Officer - GREAT

Lief Coorlim CNN

CNN Project Freedom

Mark Smalley

Application Management and Business Information Management

Prof. Timothy Palmbach

Chair - Forensic Science Department University of New Haven, USA

Ryan Blay

Special Agent - Phoenix FBI

Peter Vonk

Advisor - Netherlands Inspectorate SZW

Det. Lt. Michael Fairweather

Pequannock Police Department

Dr. Geeta Sekhon


Richard Menzi

Crime Stoppers USA

TLST 2015 - Conference Agenda

  • Leif Coorlim – CNN Freedom ProjectCNN has joined the fight to end modern-day slavery by shining a spotlight on the horrors of modern-day slavery, amplifying the voices of the victims, highlighting success stories and helping unravel the complicated tangle of criminal enterprises trading in human life.

Ben Greer – Former Special Attorney General – California.  Mr. Greer is the author of California’s legislation on supply chain integrity and human trafficking in the supply chain. Mr. Greer will be speaking about the structure of the legislation, rationale and impact for business in California.



Peter Vonk – As an advisor in the Inspectorate SZW (Netherlands Federal Department of Social Affairs and Employment) Investigation Department, Peter’s task is to support the investigations and the operational teams by providing legal and strategic advice in detecting fraud, exploitation and organized crime within the chain of work and income.  Peter’s area of expertise in this area is human trafficking investigations.  

Ryan Blay – Special Agent – Phoenix FBI – Special Agent Blay is the FBI’s lead on Civil Rights and human trafficking investigations and he will be speaking about the FBI’s activities around labor trafficking.


Academic and Practitioner Paper Presentations.

During this time period we received presentation of academic and practitioners’ papers focused on innovation in the fields related to combating human trafficking. Each presentation is designed to provide a high level overview of the topic. Delegates are encouraged to coordinate with presenters to seek more information or details following their presentations. 


  • Topic: Development of a Global Association of Scholars – Rochelle Dalla, Ph.D. – University of Nebraska at Lincoln – Tasha Perdue, Ph.D. Student – University of Southern California
  • Topic: Utilizing Forensic DNA Analysis and Other Biometric Methods to Combat the Crime of Human Trafficking Prof. Timothy M. Palmbach – Chair: Forensic Science Department University of New Haven, USA
  • Topic: The Missing Piece: The Importance of Individual Incentives – Mr. Richard Menzi – Crime Stoppers USA
  • Topic: Collaborative Working Relations: Avoiding Pitfalls and Achieving Success in a Multi-Sector Response to Trafficking In Persons –Presenter: Mr. Jeffrey S. Blom President of Global Sentry Group
  • Topic: Combating Human Trafficking in New Jersey – Presenter: Det. Lt. Michael Fairweather – Pequannock Police Department

Dr. Geeta Sekhon – Dr. Geeta Sekhon is a legal professional from India specializing in Rights of Children and Human Trafficking. She has earlier been an officer with the Indian Navy and an academician. Since 2007, Geeta is a global Consultant with the UN with extensive professional experience in the South Asia and South East Asia. She has worked with several UN agencies and authored multiple research reports and training manuals on human trafficking, child sexual exploitation, and juvenile justice; and conducted training programmes as a Master Trainer for police officers, public prosecutors and judicial officers in these three areas.


Mark Smalley – Mark is engaged by a global spectrum of clients as a trusted adviser and catalyst to discover where they are and to visualize where they want to be. Particularly in the fields of Application Management and Business Information Management. At the Summit, Mark will be speaking about concepts and ideas related to organization design, work flow, information requirements and designing a culture of collaboration.

The presentations were followed by two 1/2 day sessions of  facilitated discussions and goal setting efforts.