GREAT and our commitment to convening and supporting dialogue.

Back in 2013, our Director of Marketing and Communication (Katja Maas) was tasked with coming up with a graphic and tag line for our first conference, one that would communicate our intent, yet was simple and straight forward. She came up with the concept of “Together Let’s Stop Traffick”, along with it’s now familiar graphic.

This week, we have concluded our 4th “Together, Let’s Stop Traffick” (TLST 2019) event, in conjunction with the Ontario Tech University (this being their 2nd Annual Human Trafficking Conference.

As with our previous events, we have been able to draw upon our extensive network of experts and practitioners to provide a broad range of discussions, while endevouring to bring together police and prosecutors, along with advocates and NGO’s and academics, so that the full range of impacted stakeholders can discuss and examine the issue from its many points of view.

As will all our past events, their years conference allowed participants to discuss practical elements of human trafficking, ranging from investigative practices and challenges associated with prosecutions through to issues surrounding immigration policies and migrant workers.

While GREAT is committed to supporting cross-sectoral dialogue in our ongoing effort to combat human trafficking, we are also cognizant that a single conference may start the dialogue, but the discussion needs to be on-going and cumulative. It is our hope that we can therefore continue to support the ongoing discussions with local community groups in the greater Toronto area in furtherance of our goal to effectively combat human trafficking.

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